We believe travelling is about engagement with people, the local communities and the local culture. Comfy beds and cocktails on the beach are great, but the sense of personal fulfilment is so much greater when they are combined with people-based experiences.
At the same time, socialising with people is something we have always enjoyed doing and one of the reasons we decided to drop our previous professional careers.
We have therefore aimed for Live-Bio to be exactly that, a small community hub for visitors and the local population. We love bonding with people from different cultures and backgrounds, we want to hear your story, we want to chat and laugh. We enjoy building relationships, with our guests, our suppliers and the local community.
We call them the Live-Bio family!
Jump with Us!
Humans of Poros
Humans of Live-Bio
Live-Bio Family
Humans of Poros – Kyria Vaso (2)
And you are still working? Of course. If a person does not work, they go numb. One has to move, not like some who only eat and sleep. This is not possible. Even walking is so good. We used to walk down from the mountain on foot. Over...
Humans of Poros – Kyria Vaso (1)
Where and when were you born, and where did you grow up? I was born in Valtetsi, near Tripolis, in 1934. There are a lot of locals here from Valtetsi. I lived there until about 3 or 4 years old. My father had property in Kalamata but he...
Humans of Poros – Alex Papadopoulos (2)
That was a time when I also did my military service as it was (and still is today) obligatory after school. I was sent to do it in Rodos. I was convinced they would put me in the kitchen due to my chef experience, but they actually put me...
Humans of Poros: Alex Papadopoulos (1)
I was born in South Hampton in England in 1990, but I grew up here on Poros together with my brother Iakobos (Jamie). He was always by my side since I remember. He taught me a lot. I appreciate the fact that we grew up on Poros as opposed...
Humans of Live-Bio: Cristina & Sofia & Virginia & Juliana
What do you get when you mix two Colombian and two Spanish girls? A great friendship story! Meet Cristina, Sofia, Virginia and Juliana, four friends who met in Madrid (partially thanks to Live-Bio!). They love travelling, eating, wine...
Humans of Live-Bio: Paul & Sherri & Calvin & Jack
We are back with our "Humans of Live-Bio". Meet Paul, Sherri, Calvin and Jack, a lovely family from Derbyshire, UK. The boys came to Live-Bio for the first time in 2016. In 2018 Sherri was able to join too and that's when we did this...
Humans of Live-Bio: Matthew & Edward
Second episode of our "Humans of Live-Bio". Meet Matt and Ed. They are funny, they are charming and they love Eurovision!
Humans of Live-Bio: Asia & Rich
Following our "Humans of Poros" project, we would like to introduce you to our new series of short interviews with the Live-Bio guests called "Humans of Live-Bio". We get to meet some really cool and interesting people at Live-Bio so we...

Live Bio 2023 Year End!
Another year, another Live Bio season full of wonderful guests and friends from 21 countries, swims and sails in the Aegean, fun hikes and historical excursions, yummy food and vibrant Greek wines, singing, dancing and laughter. Here is our traditional “jumping” video...
Live Bio 2022 Year End
Another year, another wonderful season full of great moments, new friends, old friends, sunny days, fun in the sea, picturesque hikes, yummy food, fabulous wine, crazy laughs, interesting chats and looots of jumping! 🙂 As we wave 2022...
End of 2019 Live-Bio Season
Amazing 2019! Today we are waving 2019 goodbye. It was Live-Bio’s 5th season, which is sometimes still hard for us to believe! We are happy and grateful, first of all because Magdalena has regained her health and strength. Secondly,...

Finding Our Second Home in Greece
After a wonderful yet exhausting visit to Rome, Holly and I were looking forward to going back to Greece. This was not simply a desire to relax on a lovely beach, we were looking forward to a reunion with our friends at Live Bio. We’d been refreshed the previous year...