End of 2019 Live-Bio Season

Amazing 2019! Today we are waving 2019 goodbye. It was Live-Bio’s 5th season, which is sometimes still hard for us to believe! We are happy and grateful, first of all because Magdalena has regained her health and strength. Secondly, because yet again we had such a...
Wyspy nieopodal szczęścia

Wyspy nieopodal szczęścia

Grecja – trzy skojarzenia. Szybko, mów! Słońce i…? Do śniadania wyciskany własnoręcznie sok, od którego pomarańczowieją myśli. Smak oliwek z Kalamaty! Raz, dwa, trzy, już, starczy. Jak to nie fair? Nie przeżyłbyś bez butelki pachnącej sosną retsiny, bez sirtaki...

Humans of Poros – Alex Papadopoulos (2)

https://youtu.be/vlMZVuUKXfc That was a time when I also did my military service as it was (and still is today) obligatory after school. I was sent to do it in Rodos. I was convinced they would put me in the kitchen due to my chef experience, but they actually put me...

Humans of Poros: Alex Papadopoulos (1)

I was born in South Hampton in England in 1990, but I grew up here on Poros together with my brother Iakobos (Jamie). He was always by my side since I remember. He taught me a lot. I appreciate the fact that we grew up on Poros as opposed to the big city. I was never...